JBV Article Summaries by Issue
“Communities at the nexus of entrepreneurship and societal impact: A cross-disciplinary literature review” (Bacq et al.)
”The effect of trademark breadth on IPO valuation and post-IPO performance: an empirical investigation of 1510 European IPOs” (Fisch et al.)
”Calling Baumol: What telephones can tell us about the allocation of entrepreneurial talent in the face of radical institutional changes” (Sorgner et al.)
”Do I have a big ego? Angel investors' narcissism and investment behaviors” (Lien et al.)
”Rags to riches? Entrepreneurs' social classes, resourceful time allocation, and venture performance” (Ge et al.) -
“Social corporations under the spotlight: A governance perspective” (Serres et al.)
”Radical innovation in (multi)family-owned firms” (Chirico et al.)
”Co-creation in effectuation processes: A stakeholder perspective on commitment reasoning” (Van Mumford et al.)
”Questioning boundedly rational frameworks in practice: The case of women entrepreneurs in Kumasi, Ghana” (Newman et al.)
”The origins of capabilities: Resource allocation strategies, capability development, and the performance of new firms” (Symeonidou et al.)
”Persist or let it go: Do rational entrepreneurs make decisions rationally?” (Lin et al.)
”The potentials and perils of prosocial power: Transnational social entrepreneurship dynamics in vulnerable places” (Koehne et al.)
”Obsessive passion and the venture team: When co-founders join, and when they don't” (Fu et al.)
”The right touch of pitch assertiveness: Examining entrepreneurs' gender and project category fit in crowdfunding” (McSweeney et al.)
”The role of prototype fidelity in technology crowdfunding” (Wessel et al.)
”Categorically right? How firm-level distinctiveness affects performance across product categories” (Janisch et al.) -
“Ventures' conscious knowledge transfer to close partners, and beyond: A framework of performance, complementarity, knowledge disclosure, and knowledge broadcasting” (Veer et. al)
“Cracks in the wall: Entrepreneurial action theory and the weakening presumption of intended rationality” (Hunt et al.)
“Can you hear me now? Engendering passion and preparedness perceptions with vocal expressions in crowdfunding pitches” (Allison et al.) -
“Failed but validated? The effect of market validation on persistence and performance after a crowdfunding failure” (Stevenson et. al)
“Sitting on the fence - Untangling the role of uncertainty in entrepreneurship and paid employment for hybrid entry” (Schulz et al.)
“The challenges of supporting necessity entrepreneurs: Understanding loan officer exit in microfinance” (Doering et al.)
“Align or perish: Social enterprise network orchestration in Sub-Saharan Africa” (Busch et al.)
”Now that's interesting and important! Moving beyond averages to increase the inferential value of empirical findings in entrepreneurship research” (Newbert et al.) -
“An agentic perspective of resourcefulness: Self-reliant and joint resourcefulness behaviors within the entrepreneurship process” (Michaelis et al.)
“Sold, not bought: Market orientation and technology as drivers of acquisitions of private biotechnology ventures” (Renko et al.)
“Discipline, abjection, and poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship: A constitutive perspective” (Castellanza et al.)
“A social model of opportunity development: Building and engaging communities of inquiry” (Shepherd et al.)
“Sowing the seeds of failure: Organizational identity dynamics in new venture pivoting” (Snihur et al.)
“Owls, larks, or investment sharks? The role of circadian process in early-stage investment decisions” (Gaurana et al.) -
“Launching for success: The effects of psychological distance and mental simulation on funding decisions and crowdfunding performance” (Rose et al.)
“Stakeholder identification as entrepreneurial action: The social process of stakeholder enrollment in new venture emergence” (Mitchel et al.)
“The relationship between venture capital backing and the top management team quality of firms going public and implications for initial public offerings” (Chemmanur et al.)
“An institutional perspective on borrowing discouragement among female-owned enterprises and the role of regional female empowerment” (Forrester et al.)
“In the heat of the game: Analogical abduction in a pragmatist account of entrepreneurial reasoning” (Sergeeva et al.)
“Is blood always thicker than water? Family firm parents, kinship ties, and the survival of spawns” (Criaco et al.)
“Trust, fast and slow: A comparison study of the trust behaviors of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs” (Bi et al.) -
“Toward a theological turn in entrepreneurship: How religion could enable transformative research in our field” (Smith et al.)
“Unfolding refugee entrepreneurs' opportunity-production process — Patterns and embeddedness” (Jiang et al.)
“A country-level institutional perspective on entrepreneurship productivity: The effects of informal economy and regulation” (Peltonen et al.)
“On the origins of entrepreneurship: Evidence from sibling correlations” (Vladasel et al.)
“Entrepreneurial Finance and Moral Hazard: Evidence from Token Offerings” (Momtaz) -
“Turning a curse into a blessing: Contingent effects of geographic distance on startup–VC partnership performance” (Zhang et al.)
“Express yourself: Facial expression of happiness, anger, fear, and sadness in funding pitches” (Warnick et al.)
“A multi-motivational general model of entrepreneurial intention” (Douglas et al.)
“Beyond bricolage: Early-stage technology venture resource mobilization in resource-scarce contexts” (Reypens et al.)
“Persuasive or polarizing? The influence of entrepreneurs' use of ingratiation rhetoric on investor funding decisions” (Sanchez-Ruiz et al.)
“Resourcefulness narratives: Transforming actions into stories to mobilize support” (Fisher et al.)
“Navigating interpersonal feedback seeking in social venturing: The roles of psychological distance and sensemaking” (Drencheva et al.)
“How cultural tightness interacts with gender in founding teams: Insights from the commercialization of social ventures” (Uzuegbunam et al.)
“Pivoting or persevering with venture ideas: Recalibrating temporal commitments” (Berends et al.)
”Alert and Awake: Role of alertness and attention on rate of new product introductions” (Srivastava et al.) -
“Economic inequality – Is entrepreneurship the cause or the solution? A review and research agenda for emerging economies” (Bruton et al.)
“How childhood ADHD-like symptoms predict selection into entrepreneurship and implications on entrepreneurial performance” (Rajah et al.)
“Trends and patterns in sustainable entrepreneurship research: A bibliometric review and research agenda” (Anand et al.)
“Enhancing measures of ESE to incorporate aspects of place: Personal reputation and place-based social legitimacy” (Pushkarskaya et al.)
“Fatal attraction: A systematic review and research agenda of the dark triad in entrepreneurship” (Brownell et al.) -
“Legitimation of a heterogeneous market category through covert prototype differentiation” (Krzeminska et al.)
“Knowable opportunities in an unknowable future? On the epistemological paradoxes of entrepreneurship theory” (Ramoglou et al.)
“Toward a coping-dueling-fit theory of the ADHD-entrepreneurship relationship: Treatment’s influence on business venturing, performance, and persistence” (Greidanus et al.) -
“Social entrepreneurship and values work: The role of practices in shaping values and negotiating change” (Chatterjee et al.)
“Globalization and affordability of microfinance” (Sun et al.)
“Do we understand each other? Toward a simulated empathy theory for entrepreneurship” (Packard et al.)
“Career patterns in self-employment and career success” (Koch et al.)
“Business founders' work design and new venture development” (Shuwei Hsu et al.)
“How does entrepreneurial failure change an entrepreneur's digital identity? Evidence from Twitter data” (Fisch et al.) -
“From a monopoly to an entrepreneurial field: The constitution of possibilities in South African energy” (Constantinides et al.)
“More than words! How narrative anchoring and enrichment help to balance differentiation and conformity of entrepreneurial products” (Vossen et al.)
“Does new venture team power hierarchy enhance or impair new venture performance? A contingency perspective” (Xie et al.)
“Self-employment and eudaimonic well-being: Energized by meaning, enabled by societal legitimacy” (Stephan et al.)
“Entrepreneurial imaginativeness and new venture ideation in newly forming teams” (Kier et al.)
“A review of and future agenda for research on identity in entrepreneurship” (Mmbaga et al.)
“A knowledge-based view of managing dependence on a key customer: Survival and growth outcomes for young firms” (Denoo et al.)
“Escaping the knowledge corridor: How founder human capital and founder coachability impacts product innovation in new ventures” (Marvel et al.)
“Powered by compassion: The effect of loving-kindness meditation on entrepreneurs' sustainable decision-making” (Engel et al.) -