How Founding Teams’ Diversity Shapes Culture and Impacts Venture Success
The paper focuses on how a founding team's cognitive diversity shapes the creation of a venture's culture and how this impacts venture outcomes such as reliability, legitimacy, and stakeholder engagement. The model presented in the paper serves as an initial step towards understanding culture creation in new ventures, hoping to inspire further research on the topic.
The environment advantage
How political, economical, and other conditions in the business environments can impact start-ups
Owls, Larks, or Investment Sharks?
How does the time of day influence early-stage investment decisions?
A costless way to increase funding and find success in crowdfunding campaigns
Does positive psychological capital language increase the amount of funding in crowdfunding campaigns?
Contingency as an Entrepreneurial Resource
This article portrays the entrepreneurial process as a mechanism through which “private obsession” fulfills “public need.”