Career Patterns in Self-Employment and Career Success
How do different career states associate with career success?
Different Strategies Adopted by Corporate Accelerators
Creating CAs is an emerging approach to facilitate innovation between corporations and ventures.
Overcoming user adoption barriers and accelerating the internationalization of digital innovations
How do cross-national distance factors influence internationalization speed of digital innovations?
Escaping the knowledge corridor
How is human capital and founder coachability related to product innovation?
Entrepreneurial narratives in the video game industry to seek differentiation and coherence
How to do new ventures balance differentiation while maintaining coherence to a market segment?
How do entrepreneurs come up with the next big idea?
Which team configurations of imaginativeness result in higher quality new venture ideas? Which configurations result in lower quality new venture ideas?
Contingency as an Entrepreneurial Resource
This article portrays the entrepreneurial process as a mechanism through which “private obsession” fulfills “public need.”
From a monopoly to entrepreneurial field in South Africa
How do entrepreneurs change the market dynamics of a regulated market? What can entrepreneurs do when agreement cannot be achieved with regulators?