Failed but validated?
For failed crowdfunding projects, more market validation predicts commercialization performance.
Effects of geographic distance on startup-VC partnership performance
How does geographic distance affect startup-VC partnership performance?
Are technology entrepreneurs optimizing their exit plan?
Should technology ventures invest some of their scarce resources into building a market-oriented organization, or are they better off focusing on technology development?
ADHD Symptoms and Entrepreneurialism
How do mental health factors influence entrepreneurial activity and outcomes?
Different Strategies Adopted by Corporate Accelerators
Creating CAs is an emerging approach to facilitate innovation between corporations and ventures.
Overcoming user adoption barriers and accelerating the internationalization of digital innovations
How do cross-national distance factors influence internationalization speed of digital innovations?
Entrepreneurial narratives in the video game industry to seek differentiation and coherence
How to do new ventures balance differentiation while maintaining coherence to a market segment?
Effects of public and private infrastructure investments
How do infrastructure investments affect business growth and job creation? What effects does it have on exit rate and job destruction?
Survival and growth outcomes for young firms
How dangerous is dependence on a key customer for a young firm? What can the firm do to manage such dependence?
Ideal team power structures for new ventures
Does new venture team power hierarchy enhance or impair new venture performance?
How do funders’ perception of product creativity & passion affect their reactions to crowdfunding pitches?
Are you looking to crowdfund your new idea? You should read one of JBV's most popular articles that examines funders' perceptions of product creativity and entrepreneurial passion.