How Entrepreneurs Avoid Burnout and Thrive
The study reveals that despite high work engagement and low recovery levels, entrepreneurs avoid burnout and accumulate positive psychological outcomes by investing in more work engagement in a positive environment. This positive workaholism is an adaptive psychological strategy that helps entrepreneurs stay in control of their business and gain personal benefits.
Rags to Riches?
Social classes in entrepreneurs can eventually be a determining factor when it comes to how effectively they use their resources
Resourcefulness Narratives to Garner Support
By acting resourcefully and transforming that action into a narrative, entrepreneurs can resourcefully mobilize support.
Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness of Medical Technology Ventures
How do resource constrained medical technology ventures mobilize resources and combine bricolage?
Overcoming user adoption barriers and accelerating the internationalization of digital innovations
How do cross-national distance factors influence internationalization speed of digital innovations?
Is entrepreneurship the solution to economic inequality in emerging economies or the force creating it?
How does entrepreneurship affect economic inequality in emerging economies as opposed to mature economies? Where should scholars focus future research to help solve economic inequality?
Effects of public and private infrastructure investments
How do infrastructure investments affect business growth and job creation? What effects does it have on exit rate and job destruction?
The role of social and human capital among nascent entrepreneurs
In one of JBVs most cited articles of all time, Davidsson & Honig found social & human capital to be predictors for nascent entrepreneurs. What role do each play in advancing through the start-up process?